Elizabeth Steward, FNP-C

Elizabeth Steward, FNP-C Joined the DFD Team in April 2015.

Elizabeth Steward2 She is a graduate of Norwich University where she received a bachelor’s degree in biology and went on to receive her post undergraduate degree in cytology from the Fletcher Allen Healthcare School of Cytology. In 2013 Elizabeth earned her masters as a family nurse practitioner from Regis College in Weston, Mass. She is devoted to the health care field and is currently a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Elizabeth enjoys providing care to patients of all ages and is currently practicing at the Monmouth office.

Health Insurance Marketplace

Let us help you navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Are you in need of health insurance, but don’t know what plan is best for you? Are you having a hard time understanding the Health Insurance Marketplace? Our Community Healthcare Outreach Workers, Lisa Lemieux and Tia Knapp, are available to answer any of your questions and help you choose a plan that works for you. Call them at (207) 524 – 3501 for help with insurance options, sliding fee applications or MaineCare.