How to Protect Your Skin During Sunny Summer Months

Each year two million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer—the most common form of cancer. This summer we may find ourselves outside more often in order to safely socially distance, breathe fresh air, and exercise daily. It’s important to remember that even though it may be cloudy or shady, protecting your skin remains a priority. Here are some tips to keep in mind while enjoying the outdoors:


Apply SPF: UV rays can damage or burn your skin any time of the year, not just in the sunny summer months. Even when it’s cloudy or cooler outside, apply an SPF 30 or facial moisturizer with SPF before heading out. Reapply every two hours and be sure to cover all exposed areas, including your face, hands, ears and neck.


Use lip balm: Your lips can be sensitive to drying out and cracking going from hot humid air to frigid air conditioning. If you already use lip balm, try swapping it out for a brand with SPF in it.


Wear sunglasses: Whether it’s cloudy or sunny, UV rays can reflect off bright surfaces and cause damage. Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses that block 99% of UV rays whenever you’re driving, biking, or gardening in the backyard.


Know your environment: In higher altitudes, you’re at a higher risk for skin damage from the sun. This is because the atmosphere is thinner as you travel higher above sea level. If you’re planning to go hiking, rock climbing, or any other activity in the mountains, be extra vigilant about wearing SPF, protecting your skin from the elements and wearing appropriate eye protection.


