Oral Health Care at DFD

b12288c8-1567-4d03-86c9-6c71d9c1ba2cHeart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes and preterm births. What do all of these conditions have in common? They are all linked to bacterial infections in the mouth.

You know the rule: brush and floss at least twice a day, every day. But too often we simply forget or skip it because, well, we’re busy. Life gets hectic. What’s the harm in skipping a day or two?

In your mouth there are 20 billion bacteria that reproduce every five hours. Going just 24 hours without brushing your teeth will result in those 20 billion becoming 100 billion bacteria. The longer the Plaque Bacteria sits undisturbed, the more destructive those germs become.

Bacteria buildup leads to gingivitis, and if left untreated, the infection will grow into the bone that holds your teeth in place. This more serious infection, known as periodontal or gum disease, is what is linked to life-threatening conditions such as heart disease.

The good news? Gingivitis is treatable. A regular, thorough dental cleaning by a hygienist and a commitment to brushing and flossing twice a day will help you reverse the gingivitis infection and improve your overall health.

One in five children have an untreated, decayed tooth, and tooth decay is the single-most chronic childhood disease – five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. Despite the risks of going without, dental healthcare is often inaccessible for families. That is why DFD is now assessing our six to nine-year-old patients and applying sealants to their young teeth.

But oral health doesn’t just affect young children; nearly 75% of adults suffer from periodontal disease and don’t even know it. DFD has teamed up with CCS Dental Services and Tooth Fairies, Inc. to provide accessible oral health care for all DFD patients and their families.

A registered dental hygienist from Tooth Fairies Inc. will be providing dental cleanings, sealant placement, fluoride and brushing instructions periodically at DFD Russell Medical Centers in Leeds, Monmouth, and Turner.


Maine Care will cover this service for patients 21 years of age and under. The fee for uninsured children 12 and under is $42, and the fee for patients 13 years of age and up is $52. DFD’s model of care focuses on treating the whole person, which includes taking great care of your teeth!

By offering patients an affordable and accessible dental care option, we can help eliminate the need for costly emergency and specialist visits.

For more information and a list of upcoming dental cleanings view our Oral Health Care page.